We all remember not too long ago, luxury fashion brand Gucci stepped in some hot *ish for their black face sweater replica seen on a model during fashion week. The blogs were in a frenzy and rightfully so. No matter if you’ve been living under a rock or in a cave all your life, every American is well aware of racism running rampid in this country since the beginning of time and this was a huge trigger. Fortunately, Dapper Dan, a legendary African American 80’s-90’s designer who recently teamed up with GUCCI stood in the gaps and demanded a shift or else!

Fast forward to present day, he met with the brands CEO, Marco Bizzarri where a new Diversity Inclusive program was born. “Through our Changemakers program, we will invest important resources to unify and strengthen our communities across North America, with a focus on programs that will impact youth and the African-American community,” Bizzarri said in the release. This also includes a Gucci employee volunteer program and a scholarship for eligible students pursuing a fashion career.

“As a partner, I am proud to work with Gucci and other community leaders to help guide programs that will create meaningful impact for the Black community and fashion as a whole,” Dap said in the release. But, does this equate to an adequate apology? Are we willing to move forward with this new initiative or is enough, enough?

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