There are some moments in history that will be engrained in our memories for a lifetime, from Coco Chanel’s ‘Little black dress’ to Calvin Klein’s debut of jeans on the runway. And while these fashion-forward moments were undeniably shocking for their times, fashion has evolved in a way that can only be truly described as “remarkable” – and speaking of remarkable, today’s highlight is on Hanifa’s Groundbreaking Digital Fashion Show, AKA the virtual fashion show that “broke the internet.”

The Digital Fashion Show That Changed the Game of Runways

Up until May 22, 2020, runways were essentially predictable in the sense that they were held in person and modeled by stunning individuals. There hadn’t been much “stepping outside of the box” in terms of the mechanics, allowing the design and artistry to be the main focal point.

And although we can agree that traditional runways certainly hadn’t become tiring, designer Anifa Mvuemba decided it was time to change the game and alter the way we see runways forever.

Enter: the “Pink Label Congo” collection featured on Instagram Live via 3D models.

Logging onto Instagram at a moment like this was nothing short of incredible. It was nothing we had ever seen before – yet we couldn’t help but be delighted. The designer took the virtual stage to not only showcase her African-inspired fashions but also to shed light on the many issues facing Central Africa. Her documentary hyper-focused on several problems, such as poor mineral site conditions, in an effort to educate her virtual audience before unleashing her one-of-a-kind styles.

If this new and upcoming runway method wasn’t enough to impress viewers, it was the fact that Hanifa utilized 3D models to display her work.

The designer had been toying with 3D mockups for quite some time before unveiling her collection. She said, “It actually requires an even greater amount of attention to detail for the clothes to fit and look just right. For me the biggest challenge is making sure that the beauty we display in real life is well represented on the screen. ”

There was no doubt her work had paid off, and viewers got to enjoy 3D models “sauntering” down the runway adorning beautiful garments, from backless ribbed dresses featuring Congo flag colors to gorgeous floor-length silk gowns.

Impact on Hanifa’s Brand Since

Hanifa’s virtual runway wasn’t just some momentary buzz or break from the monotony of stay-at-home COVID orders. It was a transformative shift for the brand overall.

One of the biggest impacts was her ability to reach a global audience. In fact, it’s one of the main reasons why the fashion designer chose Instagram for her virtual stage. She commented, “We know that some people may never experience a fashion week or Hanifa showcase. That’s when Instagram became the obvious choice.” Being available to all viewers, she opened the doors to solidify her place on a global scale.

Her choice to debut her collection virtually on Instagram wasn’t just beneficial in terms of global reach. It also proved that her brand was leading the pack in terms of innovation, which immediately garnished interest within the fashion community. Now, fashion enthusiasts and professionals alike are excited to see what Hanifa will do next.

Finally, we can confidently state that Hanifa’s brand has a significant cultural influence, both from her introductory educational biography to the Congolese influences in each of her fashions. She not only celebrated her country of origin but used her platform to educate viewers on the many issues facing the people of that region in hopes of instigating change.

The Influence of AI on Fashion

It’s no secret that Hanifa led the pack in terms of utilizing technology in fashion. Whether or not this is what truly sparked the use of AI in fashion or not, there’s no denying that AI is now standing at the forefront of fashion innovation – which comes with a wide range of advantages for designers and consumers alike.


Over the past few years, sustainability has been at the forefront of fashion – and for good reason, too. And AI can help with the goal of protecting Mother Nature in various ways. Whether it’s efficient inventory management to sustainable material innovation, resale platforms to smarter manufacturing, it’s clear that AI can be used to better the environment from the inside, out.

Virtual Fitting Rooms

We’ve all dealt with the hassle of purchasing fashion items online, only to have to send them back because they don’t fit properly. Well, AI is putting an end to this madness with the use of virtual fitting rooms. This can lead to reduced profit loss and happy customers – a win-win we can all get behind.

Assisted Designing

While most fashionistas create their designs based on their unique creativity, every creator needs a little extra help from time to time. Think of it as a “writer’s block,” but for fashion designers instead. AI can step in and help generate innovative ideas and combinations that one might not think of, ensuring a new wave of styles that are sure to pique viewer interest and bolster sales.

For designers not keen on using AI to create patterns and designs, AI can still be utilized successfully. For these individuals, AI can be used instead to help construct garments. AI can depict how fashions will work in the real world, streamlining the overall process and ensuring the final product is as aesthetically pleasing as it is fully functional.

Pioneering the Future: Hanifa’s Legacy in Fashion Innovation

There’s no denying Hanifa made her mark in fashion, and this moment will be forever “stitched in history.” She trailblazed the use of AI to bring her fashion designs to life while educating and inspiring her audience, a moment that will truly never be forgotten. We can’t wait to see what’s next for this fabulous brand.

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